Automatic car washes are gaining recognition because they are simple and time-saving. However, despite their efficiency washing your car with automatic machines can cause much more damage than benefit for your vehicle. Here's how:
Automatic car washes offer the most ecological and economical means of having your car cleaned as they are designed to recycle water. Although the purification systems may be in place to remove pollutants however, they aren't 100 percent efficient. This causes dirt and grit scratching on the car's surface when it's cleaned.
Every business is in the pursuit of maximizing profits by reducing operating expenses. Cleaning agents, whose main ingredient is acid is not entirely unusual, particularly in car wash facilities that are touchless. While the end result will be a clean and sparkling car but the acid slowly erodes the paint of your vehicle and also the wax protecting it.
Automated car washes which are not touchless utilize rotating brushes that rub against the car to remove dirt. Though the contact might not be abrasive, a closer look at your car will reveal scratches and swirls which can cause the car to become dull.
The absence of contact for touchless auto washes hinders their ability to thoroughly clean the car. Trouble spots aren't noticed and are not given the time and attention they are due when you use automatic systems to clean your vehicle. Dirt accumulation is only a sign that your car will start appearing drab as the years get by.
The heated air that dry off water is in most cases not sufficient. When you drive off in a vehicle that is not completely dry can leave spots and streaks. If not cleaned immediately with the use of a spray cleaner will require extensive polishing in the long run.
Though most automatic car washes make use of heated air to dry the water that has accumulated, some of them have attendants that use hand-wipes to clean your car after the cleaning has been completed. This is okay as long as soft and clean towels are used. This isn't true for the majority of the car washes. Abrasive and dirty towels because of drying several vehicles can result in the car being scratched and its paint being damaged.
A well-maintained car that has the finish looking prim translates to more value in the resale market. While automatic car washes might make your car look decent in the short run, continuous use results into scratches and a sloppy car in the long haul.